Contact your creditors
Explain why you can't make your payments and suggest making lower payments over a longer period of time. You may be surprised by how many creditors are willing to accept such arrangements.
Credit counselling
Credit counselling services are available, but may be different from province to province. Contact a local family or community counselling office or a credit counselling association to find out how to get in touch with such a service. If you have difficulty making a budget and sticking to it, counselling may help you.
Debt consolidation loan
You can ask a bank or financial institution about combining or "consolidating" your debts into one loan. In such a case, the bank or financial institution will pay off all your debts and, in return, you make single monthly payments to the bank or financial institution. Make sure to shop around because interest rates are different. It is important to stop buying on credit. Continuing to use credit could make your debt load too great for you to handle.
Consolidation order
If you live in Alberta or Saskatchewan, you may apply for a consolidation order. A consolidation order sets out the amount and the times when payments are due to the court. The court will distribute your payments to your creditors. This part of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Part X: Orderly Payment of Debts) lets you pay off your debts over three years and frees you from creditor harassment and wage garnishment. Unlike bankruptcy, you do not lose your assets.
Voluntary Deposit scheme
For residents of Quebec, the Voluntary Deposit scheme (better known as the "Lacombe Law") is similar to a consolidation order. You must make a monthly payment based on your income and number of dependants, to the court. This service is usually available at the local courthouse.
Consumer proposal
Under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act you may make a consumer proposal to your creditors to reduce the amount of your debts, extend the time you have to pay off the debt, or provide some combination of both.
If none of the above methods solves your debt problem, you may choose to declare bankruptcy. Bankruptcy should be a last resort if you cannot meet your financial obligations through affordable payments over a specific period of time.
Bankruptcy is a legal process performed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Because of your inability to pay your debts, you assign all of your assets, except those exempt by law, to a licensed trustee in bankruptcy. This process relieves you of most debts, and legal proceedings against you by creditors should stop.