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Top Canadian Personal Finance Blogs

I have been working on this personal finance blog for a few years and I have spent the last few months trying to increase its content. Once you get started in trying to provide relevant personal finance content with a Canadian theme then you'll quickly come across fellow bloggers that are doing the same. Here is my list of the top Canadian personal finance blogs.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome if you believe that any other blogs should be noted.


The Passive Income Earner: Is your principal residence your retirement plan?

The Passive Income Earner: Is your principal residence your retirement plan?

I'm a believer in the power of leveraging in order to gain passive income -- however, any landlord will tell you that owning an investment property is far from being passive! If you are able to find an investment property that can sustain a positive monthly cash flow then you're on your way to a solid investment plan that could lead into your retirement years.

Save More Money with Indexed Funds

Save More Money with Indexed Funds

informed consent

Consent given with full knowledge of the risks involved, probable consequences, and the alternatives. In medical treatment requiring invasive (and possibly life threatening) procedures, a doctor or healthcare provider must disclose sufficient information to the patient for him or her (or his or her guardian) to give an informed consent. What constitutes 'sufficient information' varies with the jurisdiction. In general, the amount of information called for in the US is higher than that in the UK.


Differences in the yields of different securities, commonly used to compare bonds with different maturities and credit ratings. As a general rule, bonds with longer maturities and lower credit ratings generate larger yields, and bonds with shorter maturities and lower high credit ratings generate smaller yields.