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The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow

Have you always wanted to start your own business, or earn more income, but you just never seem to know where to start?  Were you always afraid of investing your own money into something that just may never profit?  Have you been searching Amazon.com for those magical how to get rich books such as the Wealthy Barber or Boom, Bust & Echo?

I will show you how to not only create your own business, but more importantly without having to invest any money.  That’s right – no money.  You’ll be shown how to make online services such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Amazon, PayPal, Twitter and BOX.net work for you.  Don’t worry about the technical details for each of these services because you will be provided with a step-by-step demo that brings all of these pieces together into one complete final solution.  You will then be able to apply your new knowledge and abilities toward your own product and starting earning more money today.

“The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow” is a time proven and successful method for generating revenue without having to incur any out of pocket expenses.  I have been following the model, which I will describe in full detail, for over the past five years and it has provided me with additional cash flow each and every month. 

The actual amount of increased cash flow is going to largely depend upon the subject, price point of your product, and your efforts to market your item. 

By the end of this book you will be able to summarize the strategy by using the following diagram.

If the diagram looks really simple to understand then you have just understood the main point – the process is simple! 

If you’re tired of letting opportunities pass you by then why don’t you get started by reading the first chapter “The 5W’s”.


The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow -- e-book!

The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow -- e-book!

I am pleased to invite you to my first blog post about my upcoming book called "The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow".  It will be available as an e-book on this site in December 2011.  In my book we will cover revenue generating options that will increase your monthly cash flow.  The ideas are easy to implement and I will provide you with a step-by-step example to get you up and running in no time.

So if you need to increase your monthly cash flow then you will benefit from my e-book.

Watch this blog for the "The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow" e-book soon.


-- WT Paige


The move to Google Apps

Ryerson University could soon join the growing number of universities across the continent to farm out email services to a private company as a way to improve service and cut costs, a move that has raised privacy and security concerns.

If approved, Ryerson’s in-house computing service — including email — will be transferred to the Google Apps Education Edition system as early as fall 2012.

The switchover will provide faculty and students with a “richer, more robust, more secure system” with more storage space and interactive research tools, said Julia Hanigsberg, vice-president of administration and finance, adding that the existing system “has not been able to keep up.”

Hanigsberg said Ryerson staff began to consider the potential switchover last year and launched the advisory committee on academic computing to explore the university’s options. She hopes to receive feedback from the committee before Christmas.

Lakehead University became the first Canadian university in 2006 to switch its email and computing service over to a private company — Google Apps Education Edition — a move that stirred privacy concerns.
Lakehead’s faculty union, backed by the Canadian Association of University Teachers, filed a grievance with the university in 2006, stating that Gmail system failed to protect their privacy and academic freedom.

Since Google is an American company and subject to American law, the university would not be able to protect email content from the U.S. government. Under the U.S. Patriot Act, the government could compel Google to provide data without informing the university.

Labour arbitrator Joseph Carrier dismissed the claim in 2009 for a number of reasons, including that the collective agreement did not guarantee absolute privacy.

“While I am sympathetic to their plight and the fact that big brother could be watching over their email communications ... One should consider email communications as confidential as are postcards,” Carrier said.
University of Victoria privacy expert Colin Bennett called it a “chilling effect” — where faculty and students censor their communications because they worry email content and research work is not secure or being monitored.

“It’s more of a perception, than an actual fear. It does have an effect on academic freedom,” Bennett added.
Hanigsberg said Ryerson faculty or students who are hesitant in switching their email accounts to Gmail will be given the option of keeping their Ryerson accounts.
But “for the majority of people, it’s a bit of a no-brainer,” she said, noting Gmail’s popularity among staff and students.

Hanigsberg added that the committee found privacy risks associated with using Google apps for education in Canada to be “very minor.”

“It’s hard for me to see the downside,” she said. “We just can’t compete with Google or Microsoft,” she said.

Egypt IMF loan

Egypt's finance minister Hazem El-Beblawi has said the government is strongly inclined towards accepting a previously rejected IMF loan of around $3bn to reduce the costs of domestic borrowing, AFP has reported. The loan was being revisited to curb the need for domestic lending, which he described as "expensive," he said. The IMF sent a mission to Egypt earlier this month but made no mention of the loan.


How to live for a $1 a day

Guntur, southern India, is a city short of money but not of entrepreneurs. Stroll through the main thoroughfare of the largest slum at 9 in the morning, and outside every sixth house you will pass a woman sitting behind a kerosene stove, ready to prepare dosa—rice-and-bean pancakes—for passersby with a rupee to spare. An hour later, each woman will be onto her next job. One woman earns cash by sewing fancy beads onto cheap, plain saris. Others are laborers, rubbish collectors, or pickle-makers.
The scene is described by two MIT economics professors, Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, in their recent article, "The Economic Lives of the Poor." They set themselves the task of explaining how very poor people make money and how they spend it.
The "very poor" are those who live on less than $1 a day. That benchmark—a rare piece of brilliant marketing from the World Bank—is both more generous and more frugal than it seems. Generous, because the benchmark dates from 1985 and has since been adjusted to take account of inflation. But frugal because the dollar is adjusted for purchasing power. In other words, a Kenyan farmer might have 50 cents a day to spend but still not count as "very poor" because 50 cents in Kenya buys more than $1 would in the United States. However you look at it, a dollar a day is a tiny income.
Perhaps surprisingly, then, even the poorest find the resources to let their hair down. Duflo and Banerjee, looking at economic surveys of the very poor from 13 different countries, conclude that about one-third of household income is spent on stuff other than food. The alternatives to simply trying to consume more calories include shelter, of course, but even the poorest find some money to spend on things such as tobacco, alcohol, weddings, funerals, or religious festivals. Radios and televisions are also popular. Looking at food spending itself, although the very poor do focus on the cheapest grain—millet—they also spend on wheat, rice, and even sugar. This is expensive and offers little nutritional benefit, but it certainly makes lunch taste better.
The very poor even seem to have some consumer power. For example, in the countries where free public schools are especially bad, some parents scrape together the resources to send the children to private schools. The teachers may be largely unskilled themselves, but at least they show up.
The same is true for health care. A pair of World Bank economists, Jishnu Das and Jeffrey Hammer, examined the quality of public and private health care in Delhi, India. They found that while publicly employed doctors tended to be far better qualified than the private doctors, the private doctors tried much harder, spending more time, asking more questions, and examining patients more carefully. Competition works even for the poor.
It would work better yet if the poor were less destitute. One of the problems is that so much of this entrepreneurial activity is carried out on too tiny a scale to make much cash. Scaling up would be more efficient but requires capital equipment. That's hard to come by in a world where bank loans are scarce (this is why people, including the Norwegian Nobel committee, get so excited about microcredit), and cash savings are at risk from inflation and theft. It would be better, too, if it were easy to set up a legal business. According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" reports, the poorest countries often boast red tape that means it takes months and costs a small fortune to set up in business.
But do not despair entirely. In 1981, 40 percent of the world's people lived on less than $1 a day, according to Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion of the World Bank. The figure plummeted to 21 percent by 2001 and may be as low 15 percent by 2015. We can hope.