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The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow

Have you always wanted to start your own business, or earn more income, but you just never seem to know where to start?  Were you always afraid of investing your own money into something that just may never profit?  Have you been searching Amazon.com for those magical how to get rich books such as the Wealthy Barber or Boom, Bust & Echo?

I will show you how to not only create your own business, but more importantly without having to invest any money.  That’s right – no money.  You’ll be shown how to make online services such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Amazon, PayPal, Twitter and BOX.net work for you.  Don’t worry about the technical details for each of these services because you will be provided with a step-by-step demo that brings all of these pieces together into one complete final solution.  You will then be able to apply your new knowledge and abilities toward your own product and starting earning more money today.

“The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow” is a time proven and successful method for generating revenue without having to incur any out of pocket expenses.  I have been following the model, which I will describe in full detail, for over the past five years and it has provided me with additional cash flow each and every month. 

The actual amount of increased cash flow is going to largely depend upon the subject, price point of your product, and your efforts to market your item. 

By the end of this book you will be able to summarize the strategy by using the following diagram.

If the diagram looks really simple to understand then you have just understood the main point – the process is simple! 

If you’re tired of letting opportunities pass you by then why don’t you get started by reading the first chapter “The 5W’s”.


The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow -- e-book!

The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow -- e-book!

I am pleased to invite you to my first blog post about my upcoming book called "The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow".  It will be available as an e-book on this site in December 2011.  In my book we will cover revenue generating options that will increase your monthly cash flow.  The ideas are easy to implement and I will provide you with a step-by-step example to get you up and running in no time.

So if you need to increase your monthly cash flow then you will benefit from my e-book.

Watch this blog for the "The Cash Free Way to Increase Your Cash Flow" e-book soon.


-- WT Paige


The move to Google Apps

Ryerson University could soon join the growing number of universities across the continent to farm out email services to a private company as a way to improve service and cut costs, a move that has raised privacy and security concerns.

If approved, Ryerson’s in-house computing service — including email — will be transferred to the Google Apps Education Edition system as early as fall 2012.

The switchover will provide faculty and students with a “richer, more robust, more secure system” with more storage space and interactive research tools, said Julia Hanigsberg, vice-president of administration and finance, adding that the existing system “has not been able to keep up.”

Hanigsberg said Ryerson staff began to consider the potential switchover last year and launched the advisory committee on academic computing to explore the university’s options. She hopes to receive feedback from the committee before Christmas.

Lakehead University became the first Canadian university in 2006 to switch its email and computing service over to a private company — Google Apps Education Edition — a move that stirred privacy concerns.
Lakehead’s faculty union, backed by the Canadian Association of University Teachers, filed a grievance with the university in 2006, stating that Gmail system failed to protect their privacy and academic freedom.

Since Google is an American company and subject to American law, the university would not be able to protect email content from the U.S. government. Under the U.S. Patriot Act, the government could compel Google to provide data without informing the university.

Labour arbitrator Joseph Carrier dismissed the claim in 2009 for a number of reasons, including that the collective agreement did not guarantee absolute privacy.

“While I am sympathetic to their plight and the fact that big brother could be watching over their email communications ... One should consider email communications as confidential as are postcards,” Carrier said.
University of Victoria privacy expert Colin Bennett called it a “chilling effect” — where faculty and students censor their communications because they worry email content and research work is not secure or being monitored.

“It’s more of a perception, than an actual fear. It does have an effect on academic freedom,” Bennett added.
Hanigsberg said Ryerson faculty or students who are hesitant in switching their email accounts to Gmail will be given the option of keeping their Ryerson accounts.
But “for the majority of people, it’s a bit of a no-brainer,” she said, noting Gmail’s popularity among staff and students.

Hanigsberg added that the committee found privacy risks associated with using Google apps for education in Canada to be “very minor.”

“It’s hard for me to see the downside,” she said. “We just can’t compete with Google or Microsoft,” she said.

Egypt IMF loan

Egypt's finance minister Hazem El-Beblawi has said the government is strongly inclined towards accepting a previously rejected IMF loan of around $3bn to reduce the costs of domestic borrowing, AFP has reported. The loan was being revisited to curb the need for domestic lending, which he described as "expensive," he said. The IMF sent a mission to Egypt earlier this month but made no mention of the loan.


How to live for a $1 a day

Guntur, southern India, is a city short of money but not of entrepreneurs. Stroll through the main thoroughfare of the largest slum at 9 in the morning, and outside every sixth house you will pass a woman sitting behind a kerosene stove, ready to prepare dosa—rice-and-bean pancakes—for passersby with a rupee to spare. An hour later, each woman will be onto her next job. One woman earns cash by sewing fancy beads onto cheap, plain saris. Others are laborers, rubbish collectors, or pickle-makers.
The scene is described by two MIT economics professors, Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, in their recent article, "The Economic Lives of the Poor." They set themselves the task of explaining how very poor people make money and how they spend it.
The "very poor" are those who live on less than $1 a day. That benchmark—a rare piece of brilliant marketing from the World Bank—is both more generous and more frugal than it seems. Generous, because the benchmark dates from 1985 and has since been adjusted to take account of inflation. But frugal because the dollar is adjusted for purchasing power. In other words, a Kenyan farmer might have 50 cents a day to spend but still not count as "very poor" because 50 cents in Kenya buys more than $1 would in the United States. However you look at it, a dollar a day is a tiny income.
Perhaps surprisingly, then, even the poorest find the resources to let their hair down. Duflo and Banerjee, looking at economic surveys of the very poor from 13 different countries, conclude that about one-third of household income is spent on stuff other than food. The alternatives to simply trying to consume more calories include shelter, of course, but even the poorest find some money to spend on things such as tobacco, alcohol, weddings, funerals, or religious festivals. Radios and televisions are also popular. Looking at food spending itself, although the very poor do focus on the cheapest grain—millet—they also spend on wheat, rice, and even sugar. This is expensive and offers little nutritional benefit, but it certainly makes lunch taste better.
The very poor even seem to have some consumer power. For example, in the countries where free public schools are especially bad, some parents scrape together the resources to send the children to private schools. The teachers may be largely unskilled themselves, but at least they show up.
The same is true for health care. A pair of World Bank economists, Jishnu Das and Jeffrey Hammer, examined the quality of public and private health care in Delhi, India. They found that while publicly employed doctors tended to be far better qualified than the private doctors, the private doctors tried much harder, spending more time, asking more questions, and examining patients more carefully. Competition works even for the poor.
It would work better yet if the poor were less destitute. One of the problems is that so much of this entrepreneurial activity is carried out on too tiny a scale to make much cash. Scaling up would be more efficient but requires capital equipment. That's hard to come by in a world where bank loans are scarce (this is why people, including the Norwegian Nobel committee, get so excited about microcredit), and cash savings are at risk from inflation and theft. It would be better, too, if it were easy to set up a legal business. According to the World Bank's "Doing Business" reports, the poorest countries often boast red tape that means it takes months and costs a small fortune to set up in business.
But do not despair entirely. In 1981, 40 percent of the world's people lived on less than $1 a day, according to Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion of the World Bank. The figure plummeted to 21 percent by 2001 and may be as low 15 percent by 2015. We can hope.


How to make money selling $0.99 cent BlackBerry Apps!

How To Make Money Selling BlackBerry Apps

The dramatic increased growth of SmartPhones, such as iPhones and BlackBerrys, over the
last three years has created numerous opportunities for independent developers to express
their creativity and talents. Now, the growth trend is expected to continue with the the current
success of BlackBerry’s App World storefront, and the anticipated release of RIM's new
PlayBook mobile device. RIM has opened the doors for "weekend warrior" developers to
develop mobile apps and best of all --- make money!

I have been personally successfull in developing and selling BlackBerry applications in
RIM's BlackBerry App Store for the last several months. I've had some days where over
500 individual downloads for one of my BlackBerry apps has put a smile on my face. I find it
extremely rewarding to develop an app that is of interest to someone else. Therefore, I'd like to
share my experience and my personal strategy that can help you to get started developing and
make money selling $0.99 cent BlackBerry apps.

My e-book will give you greater insight into what tools are required to get started, how does
the app submission and payment process work, help in determining what apps to develop,
BlackBerry code samples written in Java, and tips on how to manage and market your
BlackBerry app development services. I will also let you in on my biggest BlackBerry App
development tip --- how I have been making money selling BlackBerry apps with no overhead

That's right! Everything that I have produced from BlackBerry App World is 100% profit!
I'd like to share this experience and knowledge with and I will even stick to my own $0.99 cents

If you would like to learn more then please download my e-Book today. It may well be the best
$0.99 cents that you have spent yet!

Oh, and I guess that I should also tell you that the formula that I'm using for BlackBerry App
development sales isn't just a new strategy that I have created. I've been doing the exact same
strategy for the last 5 years with other software, and I'm consistently ranked on the 1st page in
the top 5 search results.


Car Loans

A customer says to the car salesperson "I'm paying cash, so I expect a bigger discount!"   The car salesperson nonchalantly shrugs and says "It doesn't matter if you pay cash or get an auto loan, we get our money either way!"
The REAL TRUTH is, the car dealership WILL try to talk you into letting them arrange car financing for you!
You see, the finance office in a car dealership is a Very Lucrative Profit Center!  Very often a car dealer will make more profit from the car financing than they do from the car sale itself! Each car dealership has a Finance Office.  The larger dealerships may have several. The person in charge of this office is called the Business Manager, or the F & I Manager (F & I for Finance and Insurance) or simply the Finance Manager.   This person will usually look and act more like a conservative banker than a hard core salesperson... but don't be fooled!
To sum it up succinctly, the Finance Manager's sole purpose is to see to it that you walk out of that dealership with the HIGHEST Monthly Payment Possible!
This person will be presented to you as someone who will arrange an auto loan for you at the lowest rate possible...as if they are looking out for your well-being. . . but don't believe them for a second! Even if you are paying cash, or arranging your own car financing, you still have to sit down with the Finance Manager, because he or she also does the paper work and title papers associated with the deal!  So there is no avoiding this person!
So Be Prepared!
And if you are paying cash, or have arranged your own car financing, either through a bank, a credit union or through the Low Cost Financing Alternatives right here on this website, any Finance Manager worth his or her salt will try to talk you out of it by telling you all the so-called advantages of letting them arrange the auto loan for you!  They will have at their disposal computer programs and charts designed to convince you!  Don't fall for any of it!  It's All Crap!
The dealership, and consequently the Finance Manager who by-the-way, works on a commission, make their money in the Finance Office primarily in four ways: 

1.  The Car Financing Itself.  The banks will Kick-Back a certain percentage of the Amount Financed to the dealership!  The higher the interest rate the F & I person can talk you into, the higher the Kick-Back!  The Kick-Back could be as high as 10% or MORE!
This means that on a $20,000 loan, the auto dealership could be making as much as $2000 or More off of you just for arranging the auto loan!  And guess who's paying that extra $2000?
Any ideas?
On a 66 month loan, $2000 could raise your payment as much as $40 a month! That's a lot of YOUR MONEY lining the car dealer's pockets when it doesn't have to!
Now, just to be fair, the car dealership doesn't always make that much.  Then again, at times they could make more!  But even if they are Making $500 or $1000 Off Of You it's still YOUR MONEY lining their pockets!  Money that's raising your monthly payment;  money you can easily save!
The only time the dealer doesn't make much money from car financing is when you take advantage of the low rates advertised by the manufacturer.  Like the 0.0%, 1.9%, or the 2.9% or whatever.  And in order to get these rates you usually have to give up the Rebate!  In this case the dealership will be paid $50 or $100 by the car manufacturer.  So this is a safe situation for you!
Compare rates and grab the best auto loan deal right from the privacy of your own computer!  Get Free auto loan quotes from the following lenders:
  • The following is an excellent source for auto loans for people with an "Excellent" all the way to a "Bad"Credit Rating:
  • Here are three excellent sources for people who have a "Poor" or "Bad" Credit Rating:
    AutoLoanSoup, and MyAutoLoanFinder.comBad Credit Auto Loans
Specialize in helping individuals obtain bad credit car loans for the purchase of new or used vehicles.  Apply to them and compare.  You're under no obligation to accept any of their offers. If you're not sure what your credit rating is get your Get all 3 Credit Reports plus 3 Free Scores Now!

get a low interest auto loan and avoid the huge car dealer mark up on car loans2.  The Second Main Area for Profit in the Car Finance Office is Selling Extended Warranties.
They are available for both new and used cars.  There are many different warranty companies and many different levels of coverage available.
A few companies are good, most are not!
For a more in-depth discussion about what to look for in an extended warranty, and how to be sure you pick a good company, visit Extended Warranty Tips right here on this web site!
If you decide to purchase a warranty from a car dealer understand this:  The dealer is marking-up the price anywhere from $400 on up to $2,000 and MORE every time they sell you a warranty!
An extended warranty is an excellent idea.  You never know when a car is going to break down.  One major repair could very easily cost more than the price of the warranty itself!
Buying a quality extended warranty from a company you can trust will give you great Peace-Of-Mind.
You can avoid the Big Dealer Markup  on extended warranties by getting FREE PRICE QUOTES on New and Used vehicle warranties from the following extended warranty companies:  Extended-Vehicle-Warranty.com and SmartAutowarranty.com

get a low interest auto loan and avoid the huge car dealer mark up on car loans3.  The Third Area That Will Cost You a Fortune in the Car Finance Office is Credit Insurance.
There are two kinds of Credit Insurance that the Finance Person will try to sell you. Credit Life Insurance is the first.  This covers you in case you should die before your auto loan is paid off!  If you have an auto loan in your name with Credit Life on the loan and you die before the auto loan is paid off, The insurance will pay off the balance of the loan.
If there are two names on the car loan like a husband and wife for example you can get Joint Credit Life to cover both people.
The second kind of Credit Insurance is called Disability or Accident and Health.   This coverage is very expensive, and it covers you in the event that you become disabled through sickness or injury and are unable to work.
This coverage will make your payments for you until you get back to work.  You usually have to be disabled for at least 15 to 30 days before you become eligible.  Also, there is much fine print for pre-existing conditions.
So Be Warned!
The dealer will usually earn about 50% of the insurance premium on these two coverages.  And believe me, this can add up to $1000s. . . AND IT'S YOUR MONEY!

Another product the F & I person may try to sell you is Gap Insurance.  Gap insurance covers the difference between the value of the car and what you owe on it in case the car is stolen or declared a "total loss" from a wreck.
Most people who finance or lease a vehicle owe more on it than the vehicle's actual book value.  So if the car is totalled from an accident or from being stolen your insurance company will only pay the book value to pay off the claim.  If you owe more on the vehicle than they give you there's a "gap" that you must pay off.
Gap insurance covers this "gap" or difference so you don't get stuck owing money on a car that you don't have anymore.  It's a good thing to have, but you do not want to buy it from the car dealer!  They will mark the price up $300 to $500 and more over the actual cost of the coverage!  I've said it before "That's Your Money!"
A much less expensive alternative is to purchase Gap Insurance online where you don't have to worry about being ripped off by your car dealer.  To find out if it's right for you and to get a Free price quote visit Gap Insurance.

get a low interest auto loan and avoid the huge car dealer mark up on car loans4.  The Finance Manager Will Try to Sell You a Variety of Other "Afretmarket" Products.
Everything from Rustproofing and Paint Sealant to Window Etching and Alarm Systems.  Needless to say, all of these items will carry a huge markup, thereby lining the car dealer's pockets even further with Your Money!
All of these things we've been talking about make your payment go higher and higher!  And don't forget, in addition to the individual commissions the dealer earns on each product, he is also earning a percentage of the Amount Financed!   So the more stuff you put on the loan, the higher the Amount Financed and the more of Your Hard Earned Money goes from Your Pockets Into the Dealer's Pockets!
It's like the car dealer gets a double commission when you add this stuff to your auto loan!  DON'T DO IT!

If you're going to finance a car, here are a few pointers to keep you from paying too high of a payment:
1.  Get all 3 Credit Reports plus 3 Free Scores
2.  Get Free Online Auto Loan Quotes From the Following Lenders:

  • The following is an excellent source for auto loans for people with an "Excellent" all the way to a "Bad"Credit Rating:
  • Here are three excellent sources for people who have a "Poor" or "Bad" Credit Rating:
    AutoLoanSoup, and MyAutoLoanFinder.comBad Credit Auto Loans
By getting Loan Quotes from the above lenders you'll know what kind of car financing is available to you, then you can decide if you want to go with one of them or if you want to use the quotes as a negotiating tool with your local bank or credit union!   By the way, the car dealers hate it when you arrange pre-approved financing, but it's the smart way to go. 3.  NEVER negotiate a car deal based on payment!   If the salesperson asks you what payment you'd like to have tell him or her not to worry about the payment.  You want to negotiate a price on the car.  Not a payment!
Beware of the "Packed Payment!"  If you let the car dealer arrange the car financing on your purchase, and you negotiate the deal based on a payment then very likely the payment that you agree to will be much higher then is needed to cover the cost of the vehicle.
You see, the higher payment creates a "pack," or room in the payment to add in things like credit insurance, an extended warranty and other items like window etching, security systems, rustproofing, paint sealant and other high profit items that they can squeeze in....of course without you knowing you're actually paying more for the extra stuff!  They'll just tell you it's all included in the price!
Bottom line?  Don't negotiate on payment.  Only on the price of the car!  Do it any other way and you will be spending too much!
When negotiating a car deal don't let on to the salesperson that you have your own car financing in place. If you tell your salesperson up front that you have already arranged an auto loan, and he or she relays this information to the Sales Manager, the manager might make the decision to hold out for more profit on the car deal (the Front End) thinking that they're not going to make as much on the Back End (Finance Dept. profit)!
Some years ago I was a salesman in a Ford dealership when I had a young couple who wanted to buy a Ranger 4X4 pickup.  I asked them if they would buy the truck for $450 a month!  They said "Yes!"  They didn't care about the interest rate or the length of the loan!
For $450 a month for 66 months, (a "packed" payment) we made a Very Big Profit on the truck, plus the Finance Manager included a high interest rate, an over priced extended warranty and credit life and disability insurance!   He made a killing too!
If this couple had come in prepared and educated, they could have gotten the same truck for about $250 a month!!!
Can I say this enough?  BE PREPARED!
So PLEASE, use the information on this website to educate yourself before you step one foot on a car lot!  Afterall, It's Only Your Money!


5 Tips for an Easier Financial Life for Women

My Multiple Egg Baskets blog is starting to attract more attention with some lululemon wearing women at work. I don't know...I find it hard to listen to someone that promotes the lululemon brand when it's time to wear some casual sweats. Mabye I'm just a simple guy. However, my conversations with these women had led me to write this blog about 5 Tips for an Easier Financial Life for Women from their perspective.

No matter what we do, taxes and financial tribulations will never go away.
Unfortunately this can be a nightmare for some, especially since they not only take out large amounts of money but they also ruin lives. It is essential for any woman to know tips on how to avoid financial problems. Millions of women do not handle their own taxes; therefore they are left vulnerable and open to many troubles that may arise.

It is important to note that women need a larger amount of retirement money. This goes hand in hand with the notion that women generally live longer than men. If this is indeed the case, women will need to be more financially stable. Here are fundamental tips when deciding how to handle your financial situations:

1. Taxes

It is important to know all you can about your taxes. While it is great to have someone help you, it is also necessary for you to know what is going on. For instance, if something was to happen and you didn’t handle them, you may never know until it was too late. Many women face crimes and never realize it until they get summoned to go to court. This is due to not filing for taxes or other criminal related acts.

2. Retirement Planning

Always think of retirement! Although younger adults rarely have this on the mind, it is beneficial for you to always plan for it. If your company does not have a pension plan, it is smart to set up your own special fund. By putting in a certain amount of money each month, it will quickly add up over time. This will allow you to have a stable fund for when you do retire.

3. Know all Benefit Programs of Your Employer

If you do have a company with great benefits, it is important to know everything you can about them. Many do not know how to fully take advantage of all of their resources. Therefore, using these benefits as much as you can will help you in the long run.

4. Pay off your loans!

Being in debt will only harm you in the long run. You need to either create a plan on your own to reduce spending, or see a financial expert. Although many are ashamed and hesitant to do this, it will actually help you get out of debt faster. These professionals can come up with a wonderful plan and will break it down by month. This way you can start paying your way out of debt, but without having to live on the street. This will also give you a better outlook, rather than feeling depressed about the current situation.

5. Make a Budget

Developing a budget can help anyone, no matter how well they are doing. By giving yourself a budget, it will allow you to save for other important things. For instance, if you need to start a college plan for your child, you can put the additional shopping money in a fund. Other examples include saving money for rent, or using extra money for a much needed vacation.

How to Reduce your Electricity Bills?

The power of electricity can be best realized when you utilize it effectively. With the demand of the electricity skyrocketing and the supply drooping, saving a single unit of power becomes very significant. Here are a 15 effective tips to save electricity and thus save the money.

1. Switch off the lights, TV, computer, etc., when not in use.

2. Use fluorescent lamps instead of incandescent lamps. Fluorescent lamps not only help to save the electricity, but they also provide a better lighting and are cost effective too.

3. Use dimmer controls in your incandescent lamps so that you can adjust the intensity of the light.

4. Minimize the use of air coolers and air conditioners. Instead, use the fans, whenever possible.

5. Electric iron is a real power hog. If you use it carefully, you can save a considerable amount of energy. Instead of doing daily ironing, do it on a weekly basis.

6. Operate the air conditioner in the minimum temperature range possible in order to save power. Keep it under medium or low operation condition and set the temperature a little higher. Take the help of nature to save the electricity. Try to utilize the warmth of the sun whenever available in the winter, and the coolness of the garden in the summer instead of crouching near the air conditioners always.

7. The ideal temperature to operate a refrigerator is between 36 to 42o F. If the temperature is kept lower than this, it would be simply a wastage of power.

8. While operating your heaters in the winter, reduce the temperature level to a couple of degrees lower than that in the normal conditions.

9. If you are using laser printers in your office or home, keep a watch on it. It can draw your electricity bills up by hundreds of watts! Try to save maximum power by using it minimum, and keep the power switch off while not in use.

10. Use of smaller gadgets will help reducing the power to great extent. A microwave oven can be preferred to a regular electric oven, and so is an electric kettle to a stovetop one.

11. Minimize the use of hair dryer.

12. Control the use of smaller gadgets such as electric clocks, telephone answering machines, DVD players, cable TV converters, etc. Though they seem insignificant, the compounded effect of these instruments in multiplying your electricity bill cannot be ignored.

13. Keep a watch on the electricity meter. Have a regular estimation of the meter reading yourself to detect any unexpected power leakage from the circuit.

14. Use the modern gadgets that apply the energy-saving technology.

15. Do not open the door of the electric oven or the refrigerator unnecessarily.

Tips on Using Credit Cards Wisely

Credit cards can be both a curse and a blessing. If you don’t use them wisely they can lead you into debt and exhaust your monthly income. On the other hand, if you do use them wisely then you can improve your credit rating and improve your monthly cash flow.

Create a Strong Credit History

Using credit cards is a great way to develop a positive credit history. To create a strong credit history you will need to make periodic purchases, and you will need to make on time payments. The best way to do this is to use the credit card to pay for purchases that you would normally make during the month using cash. Then at the end of the month pay off the balance completely. This way you build a positive credit history without accumulating interest charges.

I follow this strategy with my CIBC Visa Aeroplan card. I put everything on it and then pay it off in full at the end of the month. I'm averaging several free flights with Air Canada each year.

Using Credit Cards to Grow Your Business

If you own a business then you can use credit cards to increase your purchase power and improve your company’s cash flow. Credit cards can be used to purchase equipment and supplies when you need them, and then allow you to pay for these items over time. To maximize the benefit of your business credit cards you will want to find credit cards with low interest rates and you will want to pay off the balances as quickly as possible. This will help you keep your line of credit open for business purchases.

This would be an ideal scenario for a low interest rate credit card. I have a Scotiabank Cash Back Visa credit card. I get a small percentage back on my purchases. It's not much but the main point is that the interest rate is very low.

When Not to Use Credit Cards

In addition to knowing when to use your credit cards, you should also learn when you shouldn’t use your credit cards. Credit cards shouldn’t be used when you are emotionally unstable. Impulse buying can be very addictive, and it can lead to serious debt problems. Credit card purchases should optimally be strategically selected. You will also not want to give out your credit card number to unsolicited telemarketers. There are many scams circulating that involve asking for credit card numbers over the phone.

Finally, you don’t want to use your credit card in a country that is known for credit card scams and identity theft. If you will be traveling abroad make sure that you check with the Canadian Consulate in that country about how safe it is to use your credit card in that country.


Financial tasks on tablets

For Android tablets, the common reason for buying them may be for entertainment and leisure. Did you know that Android tablets are also proven useful in the financial world? Android has offered so many finance apps in the market which are very much relevant and useful to your every day financial needs. Whether you want the latest finance news or you need to make monetary computations, finance-related Android apps have got it all for you. Here is a list of the five best Android finance apps in the market:

1. Finance
Ever wanted to have a personal financial planner but you just can't afford to pay for one? Simply called Finance, Android has come up with a powerful app which strips you of the need to hire a personal planner. Finance is an app which is capable of providing you with the most recent updates about the stock market. The best feature of this app is that it provides you with stock quotes which are very much reliable because they are quoted real-time. This app also syncs well with your stock portfolios which are loaded in Google Finance.

2. Real Estate Droid
If it is your dream to be a real-estate businessman someday or to be a licensed real estate broker, then this finance app is the best deal for you. Real Estate Droid comes with features which can, for one, search houses for sale. Once you find a catch, you can search information about its neighborhood with real-time updates. With this app, you can also check out mortgage quotes made by real lenders and compute for mortgage loans. You can always take advantage of the built-in loan calculator.

3. Financisto
Financisto is a finance app that is very much capable of doing many things. For one, it lets you add multiple types of bank accounts and even a multiple number of accounts per type. This means that you can add checking and savings accounts together into your file manager. For both types, you can add more than one account. With Financisto, you can also monitor which among your payments are recurring. Once you see the pattern, you can schedule them to make sure you don't lag with your payments. This app can also help you create either a short-term or long-term budget.

4. Karl's Mortgage Calculator
If Real Estate Droid is not enough for your mortgage needs, then you can always opt for a more specialized finance app, which is Karl's Mortgage Calculator. By using this app, you can calculate how much mortgage you should be paying in the future and you can even visually see the results with its easy-to-read charts and graphs. This app can help you compute for your future payments, given the principal loan amounts, interest rate and terms. Karl's Mortgage Calculator, however, is limited to supporting interest-only amortization and Canadian computations.

5. PayPal
Almost everybody knows of PayPal now. With the PayPal Android app offered in the market, you can do all things you normally do on your PayPal account. The bonus point here is that apart from being able to pay an item, you can also help hasten its delivery process. So, if you're dying to take hold of that most recent Victoria Secret scent, then you don't have to wait for the normal number of shipping days just to have it. You can always make it two or three days earlier with this app. With PayPal app at your reach, you can always access your PayPal account anytime you want.
This article was written by Danny Ashton, who when not writing about the android tablet is found hiking in the Scottish highlands.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Danny_Mitchell_Ashton

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6428544

Alberta Environmental Fees

Alberta Environmental Fees

The Province of Alberta passed legislation (Alberta Regulation 94/2004) establishing a funding system for the collection and recycling of designated electronic products. The legislation requires manufacturers such as Dell Canada Inc. ("Dell") to collect a Provincial Environmental Fee for certain electronic devices sold into the Province of Alberta. 

Under the current law and regulations, the following Dell branded & third party products sold into Alberta wiIl be subject to a Provincial Environmental Fee:
  • All desktop and server computers; rack servers
  • All notebook computers
  • All computer monitors
  • All printers
  • All Televisions (including monitors that are television adaptable)

The Fees associated with the legislation are as follows:
Television (18" and smaller)$4.00
Television (19" - 29")$10.80
Television (30" - 45")$18.80
Television (46" and larger)$24.00
Desktop/server computers/rack servers (CPU. keyboard, mouse, cable, & speakers)$4.40
Printers/printer combos$4.80
Laptops/electronic notebooks$1.20
Computer monitors (LCD & CRT)  $6.00
In compliance with the Alberta legislation, Dell plans to add the Provincial Environmental Fee to your invoice based upon products selected and a ship to location of Alberta. 

Dell's authorized Resellers are responsible for understanding the legislation and complying with it to the extent the law might be applicable to them. Generally, Dell will collect the fee from it's Resellers at point of sale and remit this fee to Electronics Recycling Alberta on the Reseller's behalf. If a Reseller is registered with Electronics Recycling Alberta and they complete the Remittance Responsibility Certificate and submit it to Dell at the time of ordering, they may collect and remit the fee on their own behalf. 

To obtain a copy of the Remittance Responsibility Certificate visit www.dell.ca/canadaenvironmentalfee/abrrc ( 90KB)
For more information on the legislation visit the Alberta Recycling Management Authority website at www.albertarecycling.com


Samsung tablets

Samsung is set to launch its first tablet based on a new version of Windows at a Microsoft event next week in a bid to hedge its bets in the tablets space following Apple's attempts to block its Android-based products.
Sources at the Wall Street Journal say the South Korean vendor will launch a tablet running Microsoft's as-yet-unseen Windows 8 platform at a developer event in California next Tuesday. 
The news comes ahead of an imminent decision by a German court on whether to uphold a shipments ban on Samsung's Android-based Galaxy Tab 10.1 over alleged infringements on patents used in Apple's iPad. The case is one of 19 lawsuits in nine countries that Apple and Samsung have brought against each other, says the report. If the judge extends the injunction, pending trial next year, Samsung could "miss out on sales of a generation of tablets" in Germany, its largest market in Europe.
"Samsung at least has to have a double bet rather than relying 100 percent on Android," said Chang Sea-jin, a business professor at the National University of Singapore and author of a book on Samsung. "That will give them a bargaining position with Google and expose them to a broader group of customers."
Next week's rumoured launch of a Windows 8 tablet would also mark Microsoft's latest effort to crack the tablets market after a number of false starts. According to Reuters, an HP prototype showed-off by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer at CES in 2010 did not even make it onto the shelves.
Moreover, as tablet sales are now eating into sales of traditional PCs - where Microsoft's software dominates - a successful tablets strategy is deemed essential for the firm's future health.
"Investors are hungry to see how they are going to join where the market's going," Todd Lowenstein, portfolio manager at HighMark Capital Management, told Reuters. "They've been lagging and they need to catch up and surpass what's going on, to demonstrate they truly are an innovative company."
According to Reuters, the first generation of touch-enabled tablets running Windows 8 are expected to reach the market in about 12 months._____________________________________________

Sent from my BlackBerry handheld.
Envoyé à partir de mon BlackBerry.


Going green and saving money

It is easier and less expensive to build new green than to renovate green. With new builds you can do some additional things to maximize the return on green construction. Some these things may include: orient the home to the sun for maximum heat gain; structure the frame and plumbing to support a roof garden; and extend the roof eaves to reduce summer heating.
With renovations, your neighbour may not want to look at your windmill or have your photo cell array blocking his sun; you may not want to pay for your home to be restructured for the new loads of a green roof or to be oriented to the sun. That’s why it can be difficult to reach net zero with a renovation.
With green renovations, additional planning is required. Not only do we have to consider the usual requirements of the homeowner, we have to consider the green aspects also. Some of the green aspects will cost more now, but they will save money over time. The green items to be considered could include: do future green upgrades get planned for now? Does the existing structure require work to accommodate wind mills and photo cell arrays? Are certified installers required for some of this work? Does salvaging of existing materials for reuse drive costs higher? If geothermal heating and cooling is being considered, is there sufficient space for its installation?
A variety of green practices and items are already part of the current building code. They include: the dreaded 6l toilet; low flow faucets; increased insulation values in walls and ceilings; and depending on the heating system’s HRV. All of these items can be improved on from a green perspective with things like dual flush toilets, added insulation and air sealing, and ECM motors for the furnace.
Green renovations do involve the various items available for new homes, but they may require modifications or additional thought before inclusion in your renovation. You will have to be prepared for some building officials and contractors to question some of your items.
Some officials will be skeptical of some items and will not allow them as not being code compliant. As the building code is now objective based, not descriptive, you may have to educate the officials to allow your green selections. You may ask, what can be included in a green renovation? It turns out that many of the things in green new homes can be adapted to your renovation. Some of these items can be:
  • ICF foundations
  • Composite floor, roof, and wall framing
  • Low e film, argon gas, and triple pane glass in windows
  • Compact fluorescent and LED lights
  • Lots of natural light
  • Reduced and/or no formaldehyde cabinetry
  • Low or no VOC paints and finishes
  • Composite material exterior finishes
  • Recycled material roofing metal, rubber, cement
  • Wood or linoleum floors
  • Heat pumps ground, water, and air
Some other new items you may want consider for your green renovation include:
  • Solar water heaters
  • Heat recovery systems, i.e. Waste hot water heats incoming cold water before it enters the hot water tank
  • Photo cell panels
  • Computer modeling of energy requirements
Making your renovation more green can be an easy process by selecting a different product or as hard as redesigning your home. Quite often these selections will have a higher initial cost, but as they typically last longer and use less energy; and you will save money over time.


Car Loans Canada

Car Loans Canada is the place to turn for people with bad credit in Canada who want and need a car. You might think that it is not possible to buy a car if you have anything short of spotless credit, but this just isn’t the case.
Canada car loans are out there and available, you just need to know where to look. This is where we come in! Read our articles on bad credit audio financing, how to rebuild credit, getting a car loan after bankruptcy and other articles to learn how you can get the car you need now.
The good news is that having bad credit in Canada doesn’t mean you have to forget about having a car. Click on any of our articles to learn more about your options, as Car Loans Canada can connect you with dependable and trustworthy dealerships and lenders who specialize in helping people just like you.
Our company can make the process of finding the right car loan for you easy, streamlined and, of course, secure. Information is power, and having the right information can save you money. Check out our website, apply online by filling out a car loan application, and you will soon find yourself behind the wheel of a new car. Yes, it is that easy!


Real Estate Leverage

Real Estate Leverage is simply the used of borrowed money used in purchasing real estate. Equity is the amount of money that the real estate is worth above the amount of money owed. For example, let’s say that you have $100,000 available to invest in real estate and the average price of a home in your area is also $100,000 and the average rent for that home is $1,000 per month just to keep the numbers simple.
You could purchase one home for $100,000 cash and then rent it out for $1,000. This would give you a return on investment of 1 percent per month 1,000 / 100,000 = .01) or 12 percent a year. The average real estate appreciation since 1968 has been 6.34 percent per year. Some years it is less and some years it is more, but for this demonstration we will use 6 percent to keep it simple. Add 12 percent and 6 percent and you will have an 18 percent Return On Investment (ROI) for your $100,000. Not a bad return and much better than you would get at a bank or deposited in a CD.

Now let’s add leverage into the equation. If you purchase the same home with only 10 percent down ($10,000) with an interest rate of 6 percent then your Return on Investment would look like this. $1,000 rental income minus $450 interest divided by $10,000 down payment for a return on investment of 4.5 percent per month or 54 percent per year plus 6 percent in appreciation is equal to 60 percent ROI per year. Remember you only used $10,000 of your own money and you leveraged $90,000 and your profit per year would be $6,000.

Since you still have $90,000 in case available you could purchase 9 more homes. Then you would still have a Return On Investment of 60 percent but your profit per year would be $60,000 instead on $6,000 and you would also have leveraged $900,000.

I have not discussed taxes, maintenance, insurance or any other expenses associated with owning real estate. The expenses would be proportional for each home that you owned whether it is one home or ten homes.
The amount of money that you get from your real estate investments is always offset by the amount of debt you have; rent checks from tenants need to go toward mortgage payments and other debt. With real estate leverage it's important to make sure that the income generated from real estate is enough to cover the negative cash flow of the real estate debts during the bad times. Renters can and will damage properties, vacancies will happen from time to time.

If you finance with a variable interest rate mortgage or if the tax appraiser raises the value of several of your homes, you could be in a negative cash flow within just a couple of months with no way out.
Investing in real estate without significant cash reserves is, shall we say, not recommended. An investor without reserves might as well send an engraved invitation for disaster. Investing in real estate is a daunting task. There are hundreds of elements which must come together in harmony for a transaction to close.
Using real estate leverage is a great way to increase your own personal wealth and to build a large and healthy portfolio if it is done wisely. The more real estate leverage you have the more property you can acquire by using this debt or leverage.

It's not difficult to understand the concept of real estate leverage and if used properly can not only make for sound investments but can also make for a healthy financial portfolio.


FICO scores

Surprise! There's not just one credit score. Although the most widely used score is the FICO score, another credit score could show up on your disclosure. The new rules don't require lenders to identify the brand of credit score.

"I think you'll have a slice of lenders who will proactively tell the consumer what brand the score is," says John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education at SmartCredit.com.
For everyone else, there are ways to decipher the score's origin. If the range is between 300 and 850, it's a FICO score. Still, it could be a specific FICO score, such as one designed for credit card issuers, and not the one available on myFICO.com. If the range is 501 to 990, it's a VantageScore, which was developed by the three credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. If the range is anything else, it's an obscure model not used by many lenders, says Ulzheimer.

"Call the lender and find out what score it is," Ulzheimer says. "I think that's a reasonable request."

TouchPad tablets sold out at Best Buy?

America sure does love a bargain: Hewlett-Packard's decision to drop the price to as low as $99 for its TouchPad tablets touched off a weekend buying rush that the company called "overwhelming." Ian Sherr has details on digits.

The price point or $99 fire sale of HP that can compete with Apple's iPad.  It was a great weekend for the retailers but will consumers actually benefit by purchasing a product that can no longer receive updates or any technical support?  It's a bad purchase in my eyes.

Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton dies after second cancer battle

OTTAWA - Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton has died.
The party issued a statement this morning, just weeks after a gaunt Layton held a news conference to announce he was fighting a second bout of cancer.

The party says Layton died peacefully at 4:45 a.m. ET today at his Toronto home, surrounded by family and loved ones.

Funeral details have not yet been announced.

Like some political Moses, Jack Layton led his people out of the wilderness, only to die within sight of his own Promised Land.
In the preface to his 2006 book, "Speaking Out Louder," Layton wrote a passage that turned out to be eerily prescient:

"Oftentimes, life's highs and lows are inextricably linked. That has certainly happened to me and, occasionally, the ups and downs were virtually simultaneous."
In eight years as leader of the NDP he took his party to heady heights, but fell himself to a tragic disease at the age of 61.

The end came with a terse announcement.

"We deeply regret to inform you that the honourable Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada, passed away at 4:45 am today, Monday August 22," said the statement from his wife, Olivia Chow, and children, Sarah and Michael.
"He passed away peacefully at his home surrounded by family and loved ones."
Funeral details have not yet been announced.
Layton rebuilt his party, muted its internal squabbles, united its fractious factions and weaned it from old-style dogma to present a face more palatable to middle-class voters.
He starred in the most successful election in the history of his party and won the title of Opposition Leader, which had eluded his more storied predecessors.
Layton hobbled across the hustings last spring, leaning on a cane against the pain of a surgically repaired broken hip. He shrugged off the effects of treatment for prostate cancer. His dogged campaigning as Le Bon Jack won him a majority of the seats in Quebec, a cherished but illusory goal for New Democrats for decades.

He slew the Bloc Quebecois and saw the long-dominant Liberal party reduced to a battered hulk.
Layton was ready for a new Canadian political alignment that would pit left against right across the moribund Liberal middle.

But the victory cup was dashed from his lips by the onslaught of another, more brutal cancer that wasted him to skin and bones — and killed him just 16 weeks after election day.
Layton went, in one short summer, from triumph to tragedy and left behind less a political legacy than a political question: What if?
He was a man who carried politics in his genes. A great-grandfather was a Father of Confederation. His grandfather, a Quebec provincial cabinet minister in a Union Nationale government. His father, a Tory cabinet minister under Brian Mulroney.
He was a believer. He made that clear in the first sentences of "Speaking Out Louder:"
"Politics matters. Ideas matter. Democracy matters, because all of us need to be able to make a difference."
Layton was born in Montreal on July 18, 1950. He grew up in Hudson, Que., an Anglo community complete with a celebrated yacht club. It was a small town, but hardly typical of small-town Quebec.
He was a child of the placid Fifties in a well-off family in a well-to-do town. He was a teen and university student of the Sixties, with all that went with a decade that has claimed the word "turbulent" as its singular descriptive.

Layton took his BA at Montreal's McGill University in the late 1960s, when radicalism blew through campuses like a stiff gale. The rebellious vigour of the times led him to political activism. He doffed the conservativism of his family and embraced socialism.
"Events in the Sixties and Seventies were formative for me," he wrote in "Speaking Out Louder."
"My path grew out of the tumultuous days of the October Crisis."
He became an activist, canvasser and organizer for a community movement in Montreal as a student.
By the time he earned his master's degree at Toronto's York University in 1972, his political genes had clearly activated. He had studied under Jim Laxer, a key figure in the Waffle movement that rocked the NDP at the time.

Layton taught at Ryerson University in Toronto. But by the time he received his PhD in 1984, he had already largely abandoned academic theory for community activism and then the practicalities of municipal politics.
"I was hooked on local politics and neighbourhood engagement," he wrote.
First elected in 1982, he served on Toronto and Metropolitan Toronto councils for 20 years, honing his instincts and skills at the level of retail politics. He was a politician in the mould of a people's tribune, with rolled-up sleeves, 14-hour days and seven-day weeks. Every hand was there to be shaken, every story was there to be heard, every windmill was there to be charged.
His politics were those of the poor, the homeless, the alienated, the disenfranchised. He served as vice-chair of Toronto Hydro, chair of the Toronto Board of Health and president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. He twice ran federally and lost.
Layton's first marriage to high-school sweetheart Sally Halford, which had produced two children, ended in 1983.

He would eventually team up with Olivia Chow, another municipal power-broker. Together they would become the go-to couple of the left in Toronto politics. They rode a tandem bicycle along the waterfront, entertained, led rallies, marched in parades, ran for office and won.
Chow would follow Layton into the House of Commons in 2006. And she would be beside him in the dark summer of 2011.

In his rise, Layton gained a reputation as a brash, aggressive, even abrasive figure.
On a trip to Calgary for a meeting of the federation of municipalities, he raised local hackles with dismissive comments about the city, its appetite for new buildings at the cost of older properties and even its ritzy new city hall. There was an outcry in the local media and Art Eggleton, then mayor of Toronto, dispatched his own apology for Layton's comments.

He also gained a reputation as a master of the political stunt and the over-the-top comment. Some joked that the most dangerous place to be around city hall was between Layton and a microphone, where one might get trampled.
Rightly or wrongly, the image of a loud lout shouting into the mike from the left side of any issue clung to him after he won the NDP leadership in 2003.
It was a leadership contest that pitted Layton and the trendy new left against Bill Blaikie and the traditional, Prairie populist wing. Blaikie was a United Church minister in the best traditions of NDP and CCF champions of old. Layton was an academic and a firebrand. Blaikie was a Manitoban, Layton was from Toronto, font of all evil for many Canadians, especially westerners.
Layton won on the first ballot and went into renovation mode. He began to rebuild and re-brand his party. He was a people person whose BlackBerry kept him linked to hundreds of organizers, fund-raisers, recruiters and policy wonks. He worked through meals and vacations, pushing himself and his goals.
He toned down the wild rhetoric, although he raised an uproar in the 2004 election campaign by accusing then-prime minister Paul Martin of responsibility for the deaths of homeless people because he failed to produce affordable housing.

Despite that, Layton won his Toronto-Danforth seat in Parliament in 2004, an election that left Martin's Liberals with a minority government. The NDP raised its seat total to 19 from 13.
It was a start. Layton criss-crossed the country to raise the party profile and in doing so, became the public face of the NDP. The trademark grin, the brush moustache, the earnest optimism, the trademark head tilt were the tools of his trade. The hellfire rhetoric cooled. This was reasonable Jack, optimistic Jack, the Jack of the kitchen table, not the street corner.
The approach seemed to strike a chord with regular folk.
In 2006, Layton's campaign produced 29 seats, but boosted its vote to 2.59 million. Momentum was building.

In 2008, Layton campaigned not as a third-party leader, but as a prime minister-in-waiting. The vote total slipped slightly, but his campaign won 37 seats, just six short of its then all-time high under Ed Broadbent.
By 2011, Layton was ready for a breakthrough. Despite the prostate cancer diagnosed in early 2010, despite the mysterious hip fracture, he was everywhere. In Quebec, his working-class French and his call to action on behalf of the ordinary family struck a note with voters grown weary of the Bloc and leery of the Liberals.
On May 2, about 4.5 million people cast ballots for the NDP, giving the party 103 seats — 59 from Quebec — and making Layton leader of the Official Opposition.
Just over two months later, looking pale and gaunt, he called a news conference to say he was suffering from another, unspecified cancer and he would temporarily step down as party leader. Nycole Turmel, rookie MP and veteran labour leader, took over in the interim.

Deuteronomy 34 says God took Moses up to a high place and showed him the Promised Land in the distance.

"I have caused thee to see it with thine eyes, but thou shalt not go over thither. So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord."


Closing costs

I want to review some of the costs you can expect to pay associated with any new home loan. With any luck, the builder or seller will agree to pay at least some of these expenses for you. But regardless of who pays them, these costs are part of the price of buying your next home, so let's take a look. They are closing costs, loan discount points and prepaid items.
Closing costs are the actual expenses that the lender incurs in the origination of a new home loan. Some of the costs are related to your loan application, such as the expense of newly updated credit reports on all applicants. Other fees are related to the house itself, such as the appraisal of the property. Others are payment to the lender for processing your application, such as the loan origination fee. All these costs are lumped into a broad category called "closing costs." Unless the seller offers to pay them for you, this area of expenses is charged to the buyer, and often runs between 2 and 3 percent of the amount being borrowed. Because different states have different fees and taxes that are a part of these costs, it's impossible to generalize nationwide. So it's important that you talk with a reputable lender ahead of time about what costs you can expect to pay in your part of the country.
Loan discount points are, in essence, a form of prepaid interest. One discount point is exactly equal to one percent of the amount being borrowed. It is paid in cash at closing to the lender as a form of interest. Discount points have the effect of lowering the stated interest rate you will pay on the loan you obtain. For example, a lender might offer you a 30 year fixed rate loan at 8% with zero points or the same loan at 7.5% with 2 discount points. Because the points are considered interest, the yield to the lender is approximately the same. So why, you are asking, would I want to pay points? You probably won't, but sometimes new home builders or employers will offer to pay up to a certain number of points as an incentive, and I want to make sure you get everything that's coming to you.
Last, there is the issue of prepaid items. Most home lenders want you to set up what is called an "escrow" account. This is nothing more than a savings account that the lender holds. Every month you will, in addition to your regular loan payment, deposit a sum for property taxes and for homeowner's insurance into this account. And when the next bill comes due for taxes or insurance, your lender will make the payment for you. The reason that all this matters today is that, on the day of your purchase, you will be required to set up an escrow account with about 9 months worth of taxes and about 2 months worth of insurance payments. In addition, you will have to pay for the first year's insurance policy in full. These costs are called prepaid items, and you must pay for them yourself.
Because regulations and customs vary from state to state, the amount you need at settlement may be more or less than the amounts I have discussed here. Talk to a reputable lender to get an accurate estimate of how much you will need to buy your next home.


Using leverage to purchase investment properties

The Power of Leverage

This column is dedicated to teaching subscribers the principles of real estate investing, based on our personal experience and knowledge. Feel free to validate any of this information with your own sources.
Keep in mind we do not provide financial advice -- you should see a financial planner and accountant for that.
Some of North America's wealthiest men have said the following:
  • "Real estate is the basis for all wealth."
    - Theodore Roosevelt
  • "Buying real estate is the best, safest way to become wealthy." - Marshall Fields
  • "90% of all millionaires became so through owning real estate." - Andrew Carnegie
So exactly WHY is real estate so good? In a word... leverage. Dictionary.com defines leverage as "investing with borrowed money as a way to amplify potential gains". How are potential gains amplified? Let's look at some examples. Example #1 - Buy a house with all cash
Purchase price = $200,000
Down payment = $200,000
Sale price = $300,000
Profit = $100,000
ROI = Profit / Down Payment
  = $100,000 / $200,000
  = 50%

Example #2 - Buy a house with 25% cash
Purchase price = $200,000
Down payment = $50,000
Sale price = $300,000
Profit = $100,000
ROI = Profit / Down Payment
  = $100,000 / $50,000
  = 200%

Example #3 - Buy a house with 10% cash
Purchase price = $200,000
Down payment = $20,000
Sale price = $300,000
Profit = $100,000
ROI = Profit / Down Payment
  = $100,000 / $20,000
  = 500%

Notice that as the down payment is reduced, the return on investment increases. That is the power of leverage -- controlling a large investment with a small amount of money. While the masses are lucky to make 10% per year on their mutual funds, the wealthy are making triple digit returns and more with real estate.